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Mercyhurst Students Attend SCIP Intellicon

The CIRAT will be traveling for the first time to the Strategic Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (SCIP)’s annual conference in April, 2024. The CIRAT will be traveling to Nashville with 6 students and 2 Primary Investigators (PI).
This year’s conference theme is Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the group will be presenting a 4-hour workshop discussing how the CIRAT uses intelligence processes with minimal resources and maintains a high quality of deliverable product. This workshop will include hints how the CIRAT has been piloting AI in their intelligence processes. This workshop will focus on how a company can work to prioritize and manage intelligence without breaking their budget, including tips and tricks on how to manage intelligence processes within a company’s constraints.
For this AI piloting, the CIRAT has partnered with Vizru, which is working to develop a generative AI tool, Rover. The CIRAT has been piloting and stress testing the AI within 3 different labs and projects within the CIRAT, and will be discussing the use of this tool in both the 4-hour workshop and in an academic presentation. The academic presentation will be done in tandem with the team from Vizru, and will be showcasing the use cases they have found in the testing of the tool.
The CIRAT has always been at the forefront of intelligence education, providing students with experiential learning that can be difficult to achieve in the classroom. Our academic partnerships with groups like Vizru help us maintain that competitive edge, and inspire the future possibilities of intelligence education.